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SAP ISU Donations ?

0 Kudos

Our business requirement is to provide our customers an option to donate fixed dollar amount every bill towards low income support program.

The amounts will be printed on bill & customers will check the amount they would like to donate. In addition there should be capability to track the total amount donated by each customer. Also all this amount should be posted to a separate GL.

Is there standard functionality available in SAP ISU for collecting donations ?

I am thinking of following approach & appreciate if someone can validate if I am on the right track.

Create a new FICA document type (DO) & associate the main & sub transactions for this with a GL account created for donations.

We have the capability to get a input file from the bills to identify amounts donated by customer.

We are thinking of developing a customer program to read this input file & create documents of type DO which will create a debit entries equivalent to amount donated. This will be cleared when the payment lot is posted for bill + donated  amount.

This approach will help track amount donated by each customer & GL will provide summation of total amount collected.

Appreciate any thoughts /Ideas



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Satish,

You can use the Standing request functionality to cater your requirement.

Initially, once the customer agrees to for the Donation program , you can set up the standing request for the Customer through Transaction .FKKORD2.

After that you can use T.code FPDUDC to generate the FICA Document with a particular Set of main/sub pointing to specific GL A/c for each of the Contract Account that have been set up.

The FICA posting should have a clearing restriction 8 , so that it gets picked up with the next invoice and is send to the customer.

For reporting you can query DFKKOP with the specific main/sub and you will be able to track the Donation and the Corresponding payments.

Hope it helps.



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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Satish,

You can use the Standing request functionality to cater your requirement.

Initially, once the customer agrees to for the Donation program , you can set up the standing request for the Customer through Transaction .FKKORD2.

After that you can use T.code FPDUDC to generate the FICA Document with a particular Set of main/sub pointing to specific GL A/c for each of the Contract Account that have been set up.

The FICA posting should have a clearing restriction 8 , so that it gets picked up with the next invoice and is send to the customer.

For reporting you can query DFKKOP with the specific main/sub and you will be able to track the Donation and the Corresponding payments.

Hope it helps.



0 Kudos

Thanks Amlan for your reply.

The approach suggested by you will work if the customers are enrolled to pay every month based on which we can create standing request & create FICA docs. I would agree this approach is the best approach if we had some kind of enrollment by customers to contribute every month.

In our requirement , we want the  customer to  decide ... whether he wants to donate & what amount he want to donate ...when paying every bill. Also the customer makes the payment for donation at the same time as the bill & hence no requirement of amount appearing on bill.

This kind of eliminates the possibility of using standing requests. Do you see any challenges in the approach i have proposed ?



0 Kudos

Hi Satish,

So... as per your requirement, when the Bill is generated in SAP, there is no donation amount posted into customer's account.

Once the Customer pays the bill, along with the Donation amt., it clears the outstanding bill amt. and posts the donation amt. as payment on account, for which you want to create a Debit entry with Doc type DO and clear it.

For a normal scenario, where the payment is paid in full, this is achievable via Event 0032-Creating additional line items. and can clear the payment on account through an auto clearing run.

However, have you considered the following factors-

(a) Is there any indicator which you are considering that tells, whether the customer has made a payment for the donation apart from the bill amount or its a genuine overpayment.

(b) What happens in case of partial payments, if there is a donation amount which the customer wants to pay?



0 Kudos

Hi Amlan

Excellent points you have brought up in your response:

As first phase we are considering only in mail in payments where customers send the cheque along with bill stub & the predefined donation amount will be printed on this stub from which the customers can select on of the amounts.

(a) Is there any indicator which you are considering that tells, whether the customer has made a payment for the donation apart from the bill amount or its a genuine overpayment.

We are thinking of capturing the data on donations in input file from the bill stubs. We are given to understand that the system which reads the bill stubs has this capability. This will tell us what part of amount is donation

(b) What happens in case of partial payments, if there is a donation amount which the customer wants to pay?

We do not want to post donations only after customer has fully  paid the bill. We are thinking of following approach.

We will have a custom program which will read the amount from input file & compare this with credit available on the account. If the amount is equal or less than post the actual credit available on the account. For Example a customer may have a bill of $100 & has marked a donation of 3 dollars on the stub but pays only $101 , than we intend to post only $1 as donation.

As we are going to post debits after the fact that the payment lots are processed & cleared out the invoices, we are at this point thinking that this approach might work.

I usually look to response from you & Will Eastman for guidance & all the times you guys have guided me the right direction.

Really appreciate your advice.

