2018 Jul 17 12:34 PM
We have recently developed a custom variant, which calculates some consumptions for the past 12 months.
For every month, in the program, I update
out_oper-ab = start date of the month
out_oper-bis = end date of the month
out_oper-qnt_new = consumption value
out_oper-qnt_old = same consumption value
The I call the macro
mac_output_ioper ....
The problem is, in the billing document I can see just one line item with the output.
It has the sum of the values and start and end date of the last month.
For example:
When billing for 01.03.2017-31.03.2017.
I expected one line each for 01.04.2016-30.04.2016, 01.05.2016-31.05.2016.....01.03.2017-31.03.2017.
But I get just one line, 01.03.2017 - 31.03.2017, with the total sum value.
Also, when I update this to installation fact, I expected one timeslice each for the 12 months, but I get just the last timeslice.
Please advise how to have proper timeslices in bill and installation facts.
2018 Aug 06 3:52 AM
Hi Joshua,
Within your "LOOP AT IPREV_CONS" you can use macro MAC_INVOICE_LINE_INFO for write each timeslice in info lines of billing document.
2018 Jul 27 6:56 AM
Have you checked variant Quanti17 or is your custom variant based on that ?
Can you check if the Quant operand(which should store the prev. consumption) has usage set to Complete History ?
Hope this helps. 🙂
2018 Aug 06 3:52 AM
Hi Joshua,
Within your "LOOP AT IPREV_CONS" you can use macro MAC_INVOICE_LINE_INFO for write each timeslice in info lines of billing document.