2023 Jan 12 8:54 PM
In the rate steps there are some logic maintained. installation we used to record meter reading and recorded demand in KVA. in installation facts we maintained the contract demand KW
Logic 1: if recorded demand is less than 75% it has to calculate 75% of contract demand.
Logic 2: if recorded demand is between 75% to 105% it has to calculate based on recorded demand
Logic 3: if recorded demand is above 105% it has to calculate contract demand + Excess demand charges.
Example1: Recorded demand less than 75%
Contract Demand (CD) -10KW *0.9 --> 12KVA (75% is 9KVA) (105% is 12.6KVA) (contract demand maintained in installation facts)
Recorded demand is: 4KVA
Results: ok
Remarks: 9KVA demand charges is calculating
Example2: Recorded demand between 75% and 105%
CD-10KW *0.9 --> 12KVA (75% is 9KVA) (105% is 12.6KVA)
Recorded demand is: 10KVA
Results: ok
Remarks:10KVA demand charges is calculating
Example3: Recorded demand above 105%
CD-10KW *0.9 --> 12KVA (75% is 9KVA) (105% is 12.6KVA)
Recorded demand is: 15KVA
Result: ok
Remarks: 12KVA normal demand charges and 3KVA excess demand charges
Note: installation details
Contract Demand (CD1) -10KW *0.9 --> 12KVA (75% is 9KVA) (105% is 12.6KVA) from 01.04.2021 to 14.04.2021
Contract Demand (CD2) -15KW *0.9 --> 16.6 round of 17KVA (75% is 12.75KVA) (105% is 17.85KVA) from 15.04.2021 to 31.12.9999
Move-in 01.04.2021 à after that meter replacement done on 30.04.2021
RR22 – MR Date (29.04.2021) – removal recorded demand 13.2KVA
RR21 – MR Date (30.04.2021) – Initial recorded demand 0KVA
After meter replacement periodic reading entered on 01.11.2021 and recorded demand is 12.7
Scenario1: recorded demand > 105% of CD1 & 75% of CD2 < recorded demand <105% of CD2.
Highest recorded demand is 13.2KVA – round of 14KVA (75%<RD<105%)
Results: Failed
Remarks: it’s considering the recorded demand of 14KVA and calculating for entire period.
But actually it has to calculate as per below,
01.04.2021 to 14.04.2021 – 12KVA for normal demand amount and 2KVA for excess amount.
15.04.2021 to 01.11.2021 – 14KVA for normal demand amount.
Scenario2: Recorded demand >105% of CD1 & CD2
Move-in 01.04.2021 à after that meter replacement done on 30.04.2021
RR22 – MR Date (29.04.2021) – removal recorded demand 18.5KVA
RR21 – MR Date (30.04.2021) – Initial recorded demand 0KVA
After meter replacement periodic reading entered on 01.11.2021 and recorded demand is 12.7
Highest recorded demand is 18.5KVA round of 19KVA
Results: ok
01.04.2021 to 14.04.2021 – 12KVA for normal demand amount and 7KVA for excess amount.
15.04.2021 to 01.11.2021 – 17KVA for normal demand amount and 2KVA for excess amount.
Scenario3: recorded demand > 105% of CD1 but recorded demand <75% of CD2.
Move-in 01.04.2021 à after that meter replacement done on 30.04.2021
RR22 – MR Date (29.04.2021) – removal recorded demand 7KVA
RR21 – MR Date (30.04.2021) – Initial recorded demand 0KVA
After meter replacement periodic reading entered on 01.11.2021 and recorded demand is 12.7
Highest recorded demand is 12.7KVA and it is less than 75% of CD2
Result: Failed
Calculating demand charges as per rule rec.demand<75% of CD2 and calculating 75% of Contract demand for entire period.
But actually it has to calculate as per below,
01.04.2021 to 14.04.2021 – 12KVA for normal demand amount and 1KVA for excess amount.
15.04.2021 to 01.11.2021 – 13KVA for normal demand amount.
How to Achieve: Scenario1 & Scenario3.
2023 Jan 12 8:54 PM
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2023 Mar 24 12:44 PM
Hello Karthik,
if these conditions were created using IF-variants then it can't work in the way expected. IF-variants cannot work time depended; they are not able to handle a proration within the billing period.
IF variants will always take the value of last time slice of the operands affected and this is what you observed in the system.
To reach your requirement I can just recommend an interim billing at 14.04. (without invoicing) and then the periodic billing at 01.11.2021 which will then invoiced together with the interim billing (when this is customized in table TE503).
In that way you can achieve the proration at 14.04. and the customer will furthermore become one bill.
Best regards
SAP Product Support