2015 Nov 24 8:00 PM
I am working at a client with SAP IS-U but no integration with SAP CRM. Instead they are using MS Dynamics CRM with some real-time integration using BizTalk and/or BAPI calls.
I wanted to get some fundamental training in IS-U master data and processes, without having to learn CRM. I looked on SAP website and it says I should start with iut110, but it has the CRM element in it.
Can someone recommend IS-U training without the CRM element? Thanks.
2015 Nov 24 8:28 PM
David, there are tons of IUT* courses: 110, 210, 240 and so on. Some of them touch somewhat CRM but you can just ignore that part if not interested. There are IUT 255 and I think 260 that are specifically for CRM which you just should not take in this case.
2015 Nov 24 8:28 PM
David, there are tons of IUT* courses: 110, 210, 240 and so on. Some of them touch somewhat CRM but you can just ignore that part if not interested. There are IUT 255 and I think 260 that are specifically for CRM which you just should not take in this case.
2015 Nov 25 6:44 PM
I looked at the IUT series of courses. Then I tested some course content on a CRM IDES system. The course training data does not seem to exist there.
Is there a way to load this data or get access to this data?
I really don't mind paying to take these SAP courses; I just can't take work days off to attend training. So if there is a self-paced option with access to course material and training data in an IDES system, that would be great.