2014 Mar 27 10:12 AM
Hi Experts,
I executed Dunning Proposal (FPVA), after completion of Dunning Proposal
By examining Application Log I found error “Object RFKK_MASS_ACT_SINGLE_JOB of class RE and language EN does not exist”.
Please provide solution.
Thanks in Advance,
Prasad Javvadi.
2014 Mar 27 1:46 PM
2014 Mar 27 3:31 PM
Object RFKK_MASS_ACT_SINGLE_JOB of class RE and language EN does not exist.
Message no. SF616
The specified documentation element is not in the system.
Check that your entry is written correctly.
2014 Mar 27 3:45 PM
that looks like an error for smartforms. Never seen it before. You likely need to debug it and find where it is being issued. There is a very old note for that issue http://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/843386
2014 Mar 27 5:54 PM
If the OSS Note mentioned by William is not relevant for your Release/Support Pack state I'd either report it to OSS straigt away or, if you/your ABAPers are in a position to do so, execute the Mass Activity in the Debug mode (enter DBUG at command prompt, and set the watchpoint on sy-msgno = 616 when the debugger comes up) in order to verify that the wrong message is not written to log due to some custom logic.