2014 Apr 09 2:31 PM
I'm Rob and In 2010 I started my education called ICT & Business at the Fontys Hogeschool (Eindhoven, Netherlands). This will be my final year and hopefully I will graduate this summer. I'm new to the SAP community Network.
Working Area
I'm working with SAP IS-U (Demo environment) at this moment and I could use some help. I'm working on an assignment to get a production planning into SAP. (Portions, estimates, billing, invoicing, etc.) I want IS-U to use this planning to estimate meter readings and bill and invoice etc. them according to this production planning. The advantage of this will be that all the transactions will be done automatically and not manual.
My question are,
1. Are there any tools/programs on the market which can load an production planning (by Excel file) into IS-U?
2. Are there any tools/programs on the market which can link this production planning to the master data?
Hopefully somebody can help me to find some answers
2014 Apr 09 2:43 PM
2014 Apr 09 2:49 PM
Thank your for your comment, sorry there is no reason to go outside SAP, but is there an option to create a production planning in IS-U according to an Excel file which contains all the planning details? (Maybe upload this file into SAP)
According to this production planning, the idea was that IS-U can estimate the meter readings.
2014 Apr 09 2:54 PM
I don't know if that is an option to use PP; we use transaction EL30 to estimate - see SAP-ISU Excellence: Estimate Meter Reading Results-EL30 as an example.
Perhaps other SCN members will offer more ideas?
2014 Apr 09 3:39 PM
Thank you for your help, perhaps other SCN members can tell me if PP by Excel is an option in IS-U?
2014 Apr 23 10:10 AM
Does someone know, if there are any third party tools which can schedule processes in SAP, like schedule portions, estimate meter readings, billing/invoicing etc?
2014 Apr 23 11:43 AM
You might want to have a look at tools such as UC4 and Control-M.
Probably there are more but these are the ones used in projects I worked on.
2014 Apr 23 12:12 PM
Thank you Erik, I will have a look at UC4 and Control-M. Thanks for the comment!
2014 Apr 30 6:46 AM
Hi Erik,
Do you have any idea what the global total costs are when implementing Control-M into an organization? And do you also know what time it needs to implement Control-M?
2014 May 07 7:25 AM
Sorry Rob, no idea on the costs nor time involved.
See BMC Control-M - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and maybe get in touch with BMC or a partner.
2014 Apr 23 11:50 AM
Hi Rob,
You can have a look at Visual TOM . It is an external job scheduler.
2014 Apr 23 12:14 PM
Hi Madhurima,
Thank you for your reaction, I will check Visual TOM too.
2014 May 14 8:10 AM
Other possibilities are:
- Skybot Jobscheduler
- Winshutte Transaction