2012 Jun 06 12:55 PM
Hi experts,
When i process MOVEOUT, i am getting these messages:
1: For end times, the time 23:59:59 has to be transmitted, not 00:00:00
2: Standard address cannot be deleted
what is this standard address meaning, is it a business partner address or any other?
Could you please suggest me?
2012 Jun 06 1:08 PM
Generally Standard address is the Business Partner's address.
Check the address tab in business partner, the radio button is marked as standard address.
Hope it helps.
My Regards
2012 Jun 07 7:56 AM
And when i enter telephone number in MOVEOUT, i am getting "1: For end times, the time 23:59:59 has to be transmitted, not 00:00:00"
Please suggest?
2012 Jun 07 12:18 PM
Is the Move-Out process is customised?, seems system is not accepting the time "00:00:00". Check with business process; if there is some check point on time, may be you can alter the time from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 manually in a demo/dummy/testing scenario transaction and chek if it works.
2012 Jun 07 12:54 PM
First,Goto FPP2 type your business partner,then ADDRESS OVERVIEW TAB,there you can see the country, In that valid from and valid to date is there.
Problem arise by this only.
You are trying to enter the phone number of the BP in move out,this BP is already created in past.
If you want to give the telephone number go to BP(FPP2).then try the move out.
or with out telephone number try for move out.
I think this will help you.
2012 Jun 11 10:51 PM