2014 Mar 02 12:19 PM
Dear experts,
We are at Ecc6.0 ehp4 and IS U implemented . IS U FICA integrated with SD module for one time charges like registration fees . We have checked the transaction VFX3 : Release billing documents for accounting..there we are found several documents which are not released .
The question is is it standard behaviour of system ? Please clarify.
2014 Mar 02 3:05 PM
Billing documents might not be processed for many reasons. It is a normal possibility, usually it is due to an error which you will find when you release them.
2014 Mar 02 3:24 PM
Thanks a lot for instant response..
Is VFX3 is right transaction code for check data reconciliation between SD module and FICA
OR any other transaction which is available till ehp4 ,
Please advise..
We all know that asof Ehp5 , there is a new report available to reconcile the data.