2017 Dec 08 1:13 PM
In my project, there are many cases when move out bill order(ETRG entry) is not created for move out. We are calling change move out FM “ISU_S_MOVE_OUT_CHANGE” in our move out process, incase the move out bill order is not created. As this FM creates move out bill order based on move out document when the move out bill order is not created. However the FM “ISU_S_MOVE_OUT_CHANGE” is giving a pop up for force move out scenarios, even when Suppress dialog flag is passed, As a result of which we are not able to call this FM in move out process as pop ups are not allowed while processing. So we are looking for a solution on how to run this FM without pop ups or suggestions for some other FM to use which can create move out bill order in SAP ISU system
2017 Dec 12 9:33 AM
Have you tried :
You probably need to do some Debugging to get a good Indication how this Function works without Dialog.
Another thing : Why would there be a lot of "there are many cases when move out bill order(ETRG entry) is not created for move out."? Have you investigated the reasons behind this?