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RTP billing

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

          I m new to RTP billing concept. I have created RTP interface with 1 RTP component with 3 TOU types ( 00-24 hrs, 06-22 hrs & 22-06 hrs) with one profile. I want o/p as peak demand from these diff TOU's. I m using LIMIT03 formula prof. calc.

          While billing TOU slot wise demand values are getting considered for peak demand calculation,i want from 1 profile all values should get sonsidered for peak calculation.

           Plz advice where i m going wrong ? with formula LIMIT03 or any enhancement i need to do?

           Thks in advance.

Deepali Mayekar.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Deepali ,

  • For peak values in ur result parameters tab (In RTP Interface ) , in the result function option select  maximum . so maximum values will be passed on to the billing module
  • And for profile selection u could give the profile number / profile role in the input parameter option in the RTP component tab .

if any doubts pls revert back



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Hi Rohit,

           Thks for reply.Config suggested is already done my problem is while calculating peak demand values.

     Input Profile contains values for 00-24 hrs for 30 mins interval time duration.

     I want 3 output peak demand as 00-24 , 22-06 , 06-22 but after billing i am getting only 2 outputs as,

   22-06 Peak value

   00-24 Peak value ( without considering 22-06 profile values)

   06-22 Peak value as 0


    As per my understanding while calculating peak demand input profile getting divided into slots TOU, by formula calc proflie LIMIT03. I want for every single calculation total profile should get considered so i will get output for all TOU's.

    I hope this will give u clear picture of my problem.


0 Kudos

Hi Deepali ,

  • For getting three output you should re modify ur time of use type

1.)    22-06

2.)    06-22

  • Just redifne this block as

1.)   22:00:01-00:00:00  & 00:00:01 – 06:00:00

2.)    06:00:01 -22:00:00

  • The problem is the 12o`clock  passing , there is a small misunserstand for the SAP system you have to mention the 12o clock passing 🙂
  • I hope by giving this you will get a result instead of zero

0 Kudos


        As per your suggestion i changed config i got demand values for all 3 TOU's but problem is same input demand profile is divided TOU slot wise & as per peak demand is given as output.


0 Kudos

Hi Deepali ,

WHAT do u mean by same problem ?? can u elaborate on that part? Its confusing:-)


0 Kudos


         Same problem means i got 3 outputs but value is not correct.


1. TOU 06-22 : Input demand considered for peak demand caln is 06-22 hrs.

2. TOU 00-24 : Input demand considered for peak demand caln is 00-5:30 & 22:30-23:30 hrs

                          (06-22 hrs demand is not getting considered as it got considered in 06-22 TOU bcz 

                           of this i m getting wrong demand caln.

I hope this will clear my problem.

Deepali Mayekar.

0 Kudos

Hi Deepali ,

  • Pls check ur  TOU groups in under EDM (SPRO)
  • If in a single TOU group u have defined two TOU periods (0-24 & 06-22,22-6 ) please change it to Two different TOU GROUPS .

please revert back if any doubts


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I have configured 1 TOU group with 3 different TOU types 00-24, 22-06 & 06-22 hrs


0 Kudos

Hi Deepali ,

  • If u are giving same TOU period in same TOU group its just like over written value
  • Here u are defining the periods 0-24 once again its been over written by 6-22 and 22-6 ie why  were getting
  • 2. TOU 00-24 : Input demand considered for peak demand caln is 00-5:30 & 22:30-23:30 hrs
  • (06-22 hrs demand is not getting considered as it got considered in 06-22 TOU bcz 
  • of this i m getting wrong demand caln.
  • So better go for two different TOU  groups
  • MY EMAIL ID IS pls revert back if u have such basic doubts



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Thk u so much for yr quick reply will try with 3 diff TOU groups n get back to u.
