2014 Mar 16 1:58 PM
Dear Experts;
we configured the AMI nodes "Time-of-Use Interface" and in a new interval permissible rate, we enabled the RTP category:
01 Bill EDM Profile Values with TOU Interface. Billing went well, we did create on-peak, off-peak and mid-peak KWH consumption buckets.
But I am wondering, where I can find in the billing doc EA22 - tab "RTP-Analysis", like it shows up for EDM RTP interfaces?
Which configuration are we missing? Where can we see, how billing allocated the hourly consumption values to the different consumption buckets?
Any help is highly appreciated.
Thank you ,
2014 Mar 20 4:17 PM
did you check the configuration for season group, day group and time of use group ???
If you have done the config and if you have called up in the RTP interface, it will get come to different buckets as designed.
Hope this helps..!!
Vipin KV
2014 Mar 20 4:17 PM
did you check the configuration for season group, day group and time of use group ???
If you have done the config and if you have called up in the RTP interface, it will get come to different buckets as designed.
Hope this helps..!!
Vipin KV
2014 Mar 20 4:58 PM
Hey Vipin;
thanks for the follow up. what I wanted to ask is after the buckets and the bill doc is created:
- I have my profile 1/1/ - 1/31 = 1000 KWH.
- I have my AMI TOU interface in the rate 01 Bill EDM Profile Values with TOU Interface.
- I got a bill doc 1/1 - 1/31, with 3 lines - stating 200 KWH on-peak; 300 KWH mid-peak and 500 KWH off-peak.
--> great!,but in EDM - RTP billing, in the bill doc (EA22), you will see another tab called "RTP-Analysis", that exactly shows me, which interval values (date; time & consumption) was used for on-peak vs off-peak vs mid-peak.
So, my question is, where do I find such a Analysis for AMI TOU ? Which config are we missing?
I would like to see a validation in SAP for the sum of the 3 buckets.
I actually did a manual comparison based on a calendar and Excel to figure, whether SAP AMI TOU was correct with the consumption in the 3 buckets (200 KWH on-peak; 300 KWH mid-peak and 500 KWH)...
2014 Mar 22 8:36 PM
Hi Thomas,
We don't get the RTP Analysis tab with rates using TOU.
2014 Mar 23 1:42 PM
Rakesh, experts
thanks - that answers the question abt the RTP analysis in SAP for AMI TOU.
my follow up question then would be, what is best practice to display the interval buckets?
especially internally in the billing department to see, that the conmuption per bucket was filled correctly (like in a leap year or daylight savings time switch)? any help his appreciated.
Thanks, Tom
2014 Mar 24 7:06 AM
Hi Thomas,
Unfortunately the billing document just holds the cumulative value processed by the TOU(even for profiles getting stored in EDM). So the kind of display that we see in RTP Billing documents is not available.
Anyways I have worked initially on SAP Smart Meter Analytics 2.0 on HANA (https://help.sap.com/hiind), it can show the whole consumption pattern and can be customized according to the buckets defined in TOU. Or one can go for Custom BW solution.
Hope this was helpful. Keep us updated on how you proceed with this.
2014 Mar 24 7:11 PM
thanks Rakesh -
I have not thought abt SAP Smart Meter Analytics 2.0 on HANA, yet.
I will take a look. Thanks for the link.
Regards, Tom