2012 Jun 28 10:34 AM
Hi All ,
Requirment : System should round off the final amount .
I am currently posting the charges from FPE1 .
For example Dissconection charges from ISU :3000
Service Tax payable : 360 Service
Tax Payable - Edu Cess : 7.20
Higher Sec. Ed.Cess - SD :3.60
Final amounts after the posting ----3,370.80
Requirment : System should round off to 3,371 (because the amount is greater than 50 paise)
If the final amount is 3,370.37 system should round off to 3,369 (because the amount is less than 50 paise) .
I have implemented the SAP Note 1707850 and from SD invoicing amounts are coming after the round off.
Please Suggest .
2012 Jun 28 11:26 AM
Hi Rahul,
Please check this setting.
1) SPRO--> SAP Utilities--> Invoicing-->Basic Settings-->Define Basic Settings for Invoicing
In this setting there is Rounding cat for amount-
Please check if this is as per your requirement.
2) SPRO--> SAP Utilities--> Invoicing-->Invoice Processing--> Define Invoice Rounding Rules.
Hope this helps you to solve the query.
2012 Jun 28 11:26 AM
Hi Rahul,
Please check this setting.
1) SPRO--> SAP Utilities--> Invoicing-->Basic Settings-->Define Basic Settings for Invoicing
In this setting there is Rounding cat for amount-
Please check if this is as per your requirement.
2) SPRO--> SAP Utilities--> Invoicing-->Invoice Processing--> Define Invoice Rounding Rules.
Hope this helps you to solve the query.
2012 Jun 28 12:53 PM
Hello Sachin ,
Thanks ! I have the mainted the belwo mention details :
1) SPRO--> SAP Utilities--> Invoicing-->Basic Settings-->Define Basic Settings for Invoicing
In this setting there is Rounding cat for amount-
" Rounding to Posting documents in Invoicing w/o Carry Forward"
2) SPRO--> SAP Utilities--> Invoicing-->Invoice Processing--> Define Invoice Rounding Rules.
Rounding rules :
RU =100
Debt method : Round to nearest whole number
Still I am not getting the final rounding amount .
Kindly suggest .
2012 Jun 29 7:33 AM
Hi Rahul,
In the first setting the rounding category as couple of options for w/o carry forward, please check which of the below suits best to you.
1- Bill final amount is rounded without carry forward
The bill final amount is rounded. This consists of all the items that go into the bill final amount, including the 'lower items.' The rounding amount carryforward is not managed.
Posting documents in invoicing are rounded without carryforward
2- The bill final amount of invoicing is rounded before the account is maintained, and the 'lower items' are ignored. The account maintenance function takes the resulting rounding amount carryforward into account. The rounding amount carryforward is not managed.
I hope you are trying to check a new/fresh invoice with the same co-code for which you have done the settings mentioned above.
Try in developement scenario with a fresh invoice. So that you can confirm if the changes are perfect.