2011 Mar 22 3:31 AM
Is it possible to perform reversal to EBFbills? I tried on both EA20 (full reversal) and EA21 (partial reversal) and both gave me the error AH898. I need to reverse the EBF bills because I need to reverse move-in document. Can someone advise how can I get rid of the EBF bills once they are convereted into the system.
2011 Mar 22 9:03 AM
Hello W,
A migrated EBF document is a document of a legacy document and not created with IS-U. because of this a reversal (which is linked with the contract change) is not possible. You just can enter a move out at a later day and correct the amount via a manual billing.
I hope this is helpful.
2011 Mar 22 9:18 AM
Hello W,
Reversal of EBF document is not possible. However, you can perform adjustment reversal in order to do the needful. Sort of : if you want to give credit to the customer, add negative amount lines.
I hope this helps.
2011 Mar 22 10:33 PM
Thanks for your replies.
What if i want to do a reverse move-in because the customer was moved in to a wrong premise? Performing a move-out would not be an option.
Any advice is much appreciated.
2011 Mar 23 9:17 AM