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Reverse MR docs with RR 11 using EL37

0 Kudos

Hello All,

I want to revere/delete some MR's for a device using tcode EL37. i don't see any pending MR docs. But i see some registers with read reason 11 in tcode EL31--> MR results, Cant we use EL37 to reverse them? How do i reverse/delete them.

Please suggest.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Ricky.

See program "RELCORRDELEABL" to Delete MeterReadings that are inconsistent.

Kind regards

Nic T.

0 Kudos

Thanks Nic. That one worked.

But is there any reason or other way to reverse these reads?

0 Kudos

Have you done a "ANST" Check for this transaction?

Also see the following SAP-KBA's :

  • SAP-KBA 2439960 "EL37: Reason 11 at the start of a logical register time slice", stating 'You cannot use transaction EL37 to reverse meter readings with meter reading reason 11 or 29 (meter reading after modification or after changing the logical register number).
    If such a meter reading is missing or reversed, this normally leads to inconsistencies during meter reading extrapolation or other subsequent processing steps. However, this does not apply to the start of the first time slice of a logical register.
    Meter reading documents with reason 11 or 29 can be reversed in transaction EL37 if they apply to the start of the first time slice of a logical register.'
  • SAP-KBA 1823910 "EL37 Deleting device modification meter readings", solving a Gap in an old SAP-KBA 354748, preventing Reversal for Reading-Reason '11'

0 Kudos

This can also be achieved by reverting the device properties back to previous time slices(undoing) by device modification (EG42). The MR results with MR reasons 11 & 16 also got disappeared.