2016 May 02 2:57 PM
Hello experts,
I need to reverse a dunning charge (Dunning charge 1) calculated in dunning level 01, during the execution of dunning cycle for dunning level 02 (FPVB).
I tried to activate the event 0360, but not succeeded (dump)
Could you please help me?
With regards
2016 May 02 3:07 PM
2016 May 02 7:57 PM
You would need to create a new activity and assign it to your level 2 configuration. In the activity you would execute the reversal. But i find that to be a strange requirement.
2016 May 02 9:49 PM
As Bill mentioned, please create a Dunning Activity to be triggered at Level 2 that uses a Function module that triggers the following BAPI module:
I hope this helps.
2016 May 04 5:17 PM
Hi Hasna,
Have you tried event 396.Based on the dunning procedure and dunning level, you fetch the dunning charge document no (s) and then pass them into any Standard FM, FKK_REVERSE_DOC to reverse the FICA document nos.
However,as Bill asked the question, what is your buisness case for such a requirement?
2016 May 04 6:25 PM
I don't see event 396 as useful here - that is only called when dunning is reversed, which I don't think is the case based on the description. A new dunning level is achieved and the activity from a previous level is to be cancelled. In that case 396 is not used.
2016 May 04 9:18 PM
Hello expert;
I actually use the bapi BAPI_CTRACDOCUMENT_REVERSE to reverse the dunning charge.
I implement the bapi call in the event 0360, but I have dump.
The dunning level is related to the printing activity.
Should I reverse the dunning charge during printing?
Can I add another activity to the dunning level where I have to implement the dunning charge reverse?
With regards
2016 May 05 1:36 AM
I dont think event 360 is the right place - that is where new charges are calculated. You should have an activity for the reversal and then assign that activity to your next level of the procedure.
2016 May 05 10:34 AM
Hello Willam,
I choose to use the 360 event, because my customer request is to reverse dunning charge (F1) related to dunning level 1 during the calculation of dunning charge F2 related to dunning level 2.
Best regards
2016 May 06 8:58 AM
Hi Hasna,
Did you try this -
Two dunning activities in level 2.