2016 Mar 22 3:09 PM
Hi All,
As part of our daily batch process, we post bank returns using a return lot. When the no. of returns are less we don't see any issue, but when the no. of return items are more, (for ex: more than 40) last few accounts (8 to 10) are having issues. The incoming payment method "P" is not removed from the contract account. I did check the configuration and everything looks fine. In fact, it is working for small size return lots.
I want to know few things like:
1. Does the process to remove incoming payment method uses dialogue process?
2. if it is a Dialogue process where we can capture issues like locking issue, update failures?
I changed the batch process timing to different slots but I still face some issues with large files. Please help me in finding the root cause for this issue. I am not able to capture any reason for this update failures.
2016 Mar 22 4:09 PM
Hi Suresh,
As per Standard SAP, the return activities are determined from customising corresponding to the return reason and you have an option to override them in event 265.After that, once the return activity is posted in SAP, eitherways, through 296/299, then include program,LFKR2F01, does the rest.
To Start with, are you getting any errors in SLG1 application logs for the scenarios, where the payment method is not getting deleted during the returns processing,
Morever, can you check whether the items for which the return activities are not getting triggered, whether there is a return reason populated for these items in DFKKRP.
Check the list of CA's for which you are getting this issue, to find any similarity b/w them
Hope it helps..
2016 Mar 22 4:32 PM
Hi Amlan,
Thanks for the reply. I am having issue with only incoming payment method removal. In the return lot, return charges are posted, documents reversed and correspondence is sent for all items but for few accounts the incoming payment method 'P' is not removed.
I check the application log and didn't find any logs, also I have verified the update failure in SM13 and didn't see any failures.
Only BW extract jobs are running in parallel to returns posting, nothing else is run during that time.
2016 Mar 23 12:00 PM
Hi Suresh,
In a nutshell, everything is working fine at the transaction level, the problem is happening only at the master data level, during the removing of the Incoming payment method,'P'.
Going by the above assumption, is there any custom FM, that you have plugged in Contract account Check/Save event, in CAS7.
Check, the event DCHECK,DSAVE,DSAVC in particular.
Hope it helps..
2016 Mar 25 4:07 PM
Hi Suresh,
Is the return reason same to all the payments that were reversed ?
Maybe you have two return reasons one has the activity to delete the payment method the other doesn't have ?
Also based on the credit history of the customer there might be additional checks ?
2016 Mar 23 6:38 AM
Hi Suresh,
Please check if you are having multiple return lot processing program running concurrently or not.
Apart from that, you can check the configuration of return reason, if this is the only return activity or not.
If not, and if this is not the first the activity please check if the return reason has any History Days maintained or not. If a history date is maintained and you are processing return beyond those days, system will determine this as the fresh return processing, and the first activity gets triggered instead.
It is worth checking this configuration.
Also with the failed cases, please check how it is getting stored in table DFKKRH and field XDELEZAWE.
Let us know how you go.