2013 Jan 23 11:13 PM
We are being asked how best to deactivate an ISU installation and/or premise when a physical location has been demolished. This means for example a previous service address has been removed and our customer wants to reflect this change in ISU. They would also like whatever deactivates an installation to show up in CRM so that people can view that attribute.
Really need to get some inputs on this as it is a pressing issue.
2013 Jan 28 10:40 PM
you can utilize the move-out without move-in functionality. I would expect you need to expose this field in ICWC and then use it in your MDT.
2013 Jan 30 4:56 AM
Can you expand on that functionality? Can that function be triggered in back end ISU via EC55E?
2013 Jun 12 3:57 PM