2016 Aug 25 12:15 PM
Collective Accounts clearing : We have scenario where one parent CA has multiple child accounts,
Here we are receiving payments individually against child account wise not parent account (Example: Child customer is coming to cash desk making payment for child account).
Business has done reset clearing for that child customer payment and reset clearing document created debit entry posted at child account and open credit entry posted at parent account. There is a difference balance at child account . Balance is ok at parent account .
Can you please let me know how to handle such cases.
2016 Aug 26 8:44 AM
Hi Janardhan,
When the amount is reset cleared from Child and posted to the Parent account, as per clearing rule some real items of the child(some other child account) will be cleared.
Please drill down the payment document and find out the cleared items and their accounts.
Avoid reset clearing when child account is directly paid.
2016 Aug 26 9:29 AM
Hello Janardhan,
Ideally in such cases you should transfer the payment back to clarification worklist and from there direct it to the parent account.
Reset clear has it's own issues in collective solution.
2016 Aug 26 10:16 AM
Hi Janardhan,
The best way out would be to clear the outstanding receivables at the child level through account maintenance.So, once the payment comes in at the Child level, it doesn't clear the outstanding receivables automatically.Then once you execute the auto clearing batch, it would clear the debit and credit entries through an account maintenance document.
Now,in future, if you have do any cancel-rebill activity against the child invoice, then the only thing that you need to do is to reverse the account maintenance doc thru FP08. This will open up the invoice and the payment will sit as a payment on account.So you don't need to perform a reset clearing in the first place.
2016 Aug 28 10:07 AM
Hi Amlan,
Thanks for reply.
We have scenario like taking payment from child account and clearing automatically. This scenario there is no account maintenance document. We need to do reset the clearing document .
2016 Aug 29 3:07 PM
I guess the issue here is your process. If you are using collective accounts, then you should manage payments at the parent level. Otherwise, do not use collective accounts. You are trying to defeat the purpose of the functionality.