2011 Oct 11 10:13 AM
Hello Friends,
Please can you let me know, if there is any transaction to generate a report on consumer ledger account.
I am aware of FPCC0002, but this generates a correspondence letter.
If there is a way out to get a output in report format.
Edited by: CharviS on Oct 11, 2011 11:13 AM
2011 Oct 11 9:25 PM
Hi Charvi
I don't think there's such a report in standard SAP.
However, it's not difficult to create a custom program to do it. The mass activity "Creation of Balanced Account Statements", transaction FPCC0002, uses function FKK_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_COMPUTE to determine the account balance of a customer (see event 0703, function FKK_SAMPLE_0703). So the custom program has to select all partner/accounts you want the balance for and call for each the function FKK_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_COMPUTE.
The function is not "fast", so in case you want the balance for a large customer set, I strongly recommend to execute such a report in parallel streams, for example as a mass activity.
2011 Nov 14 3:27 PM
If its a report that you want (and not a one page form per Business Partner), you may try to use the standard IS-U report FPO4.
This reports on Open Items, and you can define your own output format. You can also show a breakdown by the age of the Receivable items (e.g. 30, 60 90 days overdue, etc...).
FPO1 also provides similar functionality (thats ''O.. as in Orange) , but with less features on output format.
I hope this helps.
Ivor Martin