2008 Mar 01 5:12 AM
Hi Experts,
CAn some one tell me the relationship between contract , Installation, device, premise & Conn Objects?
Can we have multiple devices in a location/installation & alternatively Can we have multiple installations for a device?
2008 Mar 01 12:43 PM
Hi Dan,
this is the hierarchy between Master Data:
Tec.Master Data Business Master Data
Conn. Object BP
Premise Contract a/c
Installtion <----
there is 1:1 relation between installation and contract.
and Premise is indirectly linked with contarct a/c.
yes one installation can have multiple device, but one device cant have multiple Installation.
2008 Mar 01 9:20 AM
Kindly send me the mail id ....i will send you the relation ship between the tables.
2008 Mar 01 12:43 PM
Hi Dan,
this is the hierarchy between Master Data:
Tec.Master Data Business Master Data
Conn. Object BP
Premise Contract a/c
Installtion <----
there is 1:1 relation between installation and contract.
and Premise is indirectly linked with contarct a/c.
yes one installation can have multiple device, but one device cant have multiple Installation.
2008 Mar 04 6:14 AM
we can assign one device to one installation only.
2008 Mar 04 9:09 AM
you can install TECHNICALLY only each device in one device location, but BILLING relevant you can install each device several times!!!
You will have to distinguish between technical and billing relevant installation!
2008 Mar 04 1:17 PM
Hi All,
Oh! now its confusing..
I see that one device can have multiple installations and not the reverse..
And one contract can have multiple installations.
Example : like in case of deregulated energy marker, there can be an active installation 1 from supplier & 1 from distributor.
Please clarify..
2008 Apr 04 7:46 AM
Hi Dan,
It's not so confusing like it sounds. Technically - or better call it phyiscally - a device can be installed only once at a technical place. Think the technical place is the cellar in the house. Also think it is a water device.
In this house you have 3 households, that should be paying for water depending on the square meters. In this case you have 3 water contracts, 3 installations (1 for each household), but 1 device only.
The company reads the device and calculates each invoice depending on the consumption and the square meters. Means, the device is linked mayn times to different installations, but linked to the technical place only once.
Hope that helps.
2008 Apr 03 9:06 AM
CAn some one tell me the relationship between contract , Installation, device, premise & Conn Objects?
Can we have multiple devices in a location/installation & alternatively Can we have multiple installations for a device?
Hi Dan,
The relation between contract,Installation,device, premise & Conn Objects....
Deepak has explained you nicely. if you want to know detail please let us know.
Yes we can have multiple devices against a single installation.
Against each device there can be multiple registers.
And against a single location there can be multiple installation.
Go to EEDM11 and search against POD you can get a braoder view.