2015 Apr 09 8:32 AM
Hello Everyone,
I had a look at the report RSADRRS01, which basically lists all addresses that have failed the regional structure check by looking at the ADRC-CHCKSTATUS field. If I got it right, the report RSADRRS01 does not do a comparision against the regional structure but only a lookup on the ADRC-CHCKSTATUS.
My question is that after extracting the list and maintaining the missing streets/cities/post codes in the regional structure, is there a report available to ADRC-CHCKSTATUS field by doing a fresh comparison against the regional structure.
Kind regards,
2015 Apr 23 7:21 AM
Hi Gaurav,
There are quarterly adjustment reports provided by SAP that can be used to check postal addresses with regional structure
You can find further details on these reports at the following link.
Quarterly Adjustment - Business Address Services (BC-SRV-ADR) - SAP Library