2016 May 13 4:22 AM
Hi Everyone,
We have encountered an issue in a report that shows collection of payment. This issue is due to the reconciliation keys that didn't push through in posting since the payment file has misaligned format. As per checking on the daily posted report program (Custom Program to generate the report), it looks on the recon keys created regardless if the amount and account indicated in the RK is posted or not.
Is there a way to delete a Reconciliation Key even though it is still open? So that we could align our program results and provide it to our stakeholders.In which if the RK can be deleted it can be tallied.
Thank you
Best regards,
2016 May 13 8:05 AM
I think you need to fix the program, not the key. You cannot delete a key if it has postings assigned - and it would be a big problem if you could.
2016 Jun 02 3:43 AM
Thank you very much for your inputs bill. Our issue has been resolved.
2016 May 13 8:49 AM
Hi Gio,
You should never delete any reconciliation key. The option I would propose it to post manual journal entry at GL account level using transaction FB01 (in FICA system) and let the information flow to FI.
2016 Jun 02 3:44 AM
Hi Bodhisattwa,
Thank you for providing the instructions. Our issue is now resolved and i have informed our end-user regarding her request.
Best regards,