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Recon Key automatically created

0 Kudos

Hi SAP Experts,


I would just like to post a query regarding the behavior of various open Recon Keys.

I have observed that there are recon keys automatically created whenever an account with posted collection is being reversed, as such I encounter the error message "Deletion not possible: reconciliation key reversed for payment lot 03033116MR02" and Closure not possible; payment lot 03033116MR02 still not completely posted

Is this the normal behavior in SAP whenever a reversal is done on a posted collection already?

Appreciate all the inputs from you experts.

Thank you and Best Regards,



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Gio,

As per Standard SAP, for each type of business transactions, ex payment lots, return lots, Invoicing etc. SAP assigns a unique reservation object to the reconciliation keys that contains these transactions. These reservation object is determined during the creation of the reconciliation key based on the origin key of the transaction in event 1113.

Not Sure, what actions, you have performed, however, once a payment lot has been processed, the reservation object is assigned, you can't delete and shouldn't delete a reconciliation key.

With regards to your second error, check the status of the payment lot in DFKKZK.

I guess, the status would be other than 4 or 5.

Depending on the Status, proper action need to be taken.


View solution in original post


0 Kudos

Hi Gio,

It's look like payment lot 03033116MR02  entries may fall into clarification due to your reversal, check the payment lot status in DFKKZK field STAZS = 5, if the the status is other than 5 there should be some correction is required.

This is a standard behavior where payment lot is reserved for pending entries.

If status is doesn't equal 5, use FP05 transaction code and assign new reconciliation key bellow, for pending transaction, system will close the current recon key and you can able to transfer.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Gio,

As per Standard SAP, for each type of business transactions, ex payment lots, return lots, Invoicing etc. SAP assigns a unique reservation object to the reconciliation keys that contains these transactions. These reservation object is determined during the creation of the reconciliation key based on the origin key of the transaction in event 1113.

Not Sure, what actions, you have performed, however, once a payment lot has been processed, the reservation object is assigned, you can't delete and shouldn't delete a reconciliation key.

With regards to your second error, check the status of the payment lot in DFKKZK.

I guess, the status would be other than 4 or 5.

Depending on the Status, proper action need to be taken.


0 Kudos

Hi Amlan,

Thank you for your timely response. Can you suggest what action would be done in order to process the RK with status 4 or 5? I have a list of them. Would those Rks automatically close?

Thank you and Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Gio,

I guess you are talking about the status of the payment lot other than 4 or 5 and not reconciliation keys.

Any other status means the payment lot has not been processed in SAP fully. This can be because of many reasons, like, System doesn't get sufficient background processes to process the payment lot items and goes into an incomplete state.

You need to check the status of the lot and for status 7 &8, you need to click on the post button,

For 3 & 6, you need to check the items, to see what is missing

Ultimately, after successful processing, the status will be 4 or 5, which means either the payment have been posted to contract account or has been routed to clarification,

Now for automatic closure of recon keys, go to SM30 and give table as TFKRESOB

Maintain Payment lot in the object and give the FM as FKK_AKTIV2_FIKEY_CLOSE_CHECK

Hope it helps



0 Kudos

Hi Amlan,

I really appreciate your response and inputs for my concern and I really thank you for it.

As I try to assess the behavior of the Recon Key it seems like another key is generated once the post processes has been successful and it causes double posting on the CAN; this is pertaining to an RK with status 4 or 5.

Do you have any advise what can or should be done to the open Recon Key created? I am afraid it would a domino effect if we reverse the newly opened Recon Key

Thank you and Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Jose,

As per Standard SAP, say once the payment lot containing 10 items is processed in SAP with RK, P1. Out of the 10 items, 8 items have been posted to the respective Contract account and remaining two items have gone into clarification.

Now we need to transfer the payment lot information for those 8 items to FI-GL.

So, there is a standard transaction, FP05FIK, which creates a new recon. key P1/1 for these two items which are in clarification and the original recon. key is transferred to GL containing the info. for the 8 items.

Just to let you know, there is no duplication of information in these process.

Hope it clarifies.



0 Kudos

Hi Amlan,

Thank you for all your inputs. All of it is duly noted and is indeed very helpful for our dear end-users. However, one last thing the accounts I mentioned are all written-off normally the new recon key created doesn't appear upon post processing of a normal account.

Can you suggest that we leave the open RK hanging? As per your previous statements as long as it is with status 4 or 5 it has been allocated to the CAN.

Hoping for your response.

Thank you and Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Jose,

Any payment lot having status 4 or 5 means, that all the items have been processed successfully.

However, that doesn't mean all the items have been allocated to the Contract accounts.

If the status of the payment lot is 5, then you don't need to worry, as everything is allocated to the contract account.

However, if the status of the payment lot is 4, then even if the processing is successful, some of the items have been routed to payment clarification work list, for which re-working is necessary.

Until and unless all the items for a particular payment lot are allocated to the respective contract accounts from the payment clarification, the status of the payment lot doesn't change to 5.

Hope it clarifies.



0 Kudos

Hi Amlan,

I would like to request verification on the scenario one of our stakeholders encountered. A Recon Key was initially closed and payment was already allocated into the account. However, reversals were made due to incorrect billing. As such a succeeding Recon Key was created but doesn't contain any items inside. Could we just leave it open and hanging?

Thank you for all the knowledge you have shared to me.

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Jose,

I think you are talking about an invoice cancellation (reversal) scenario of an already cleared invoice.

So, when you are reversing a cleared invoice, the invoice reversal entry will be placed in the reconciliation key and the payment will sit as a payment on account. 

The reconciliation key containing the invoice reversal will be closed and sent to FI-GL.

Once the invoice is re-billed, then there will be another recon. key containing the new entries for the invoice and will be sent to FI-GL.

Depending on whether account maintenance is activated during ISU invoicing, the payments will automatically clear the outstanding receivables and will get captured in the recon. key that will be send to FI-GL.

Hope it helps.



0 Kudos

Hi Amlan,

It may be about the invoice cancellation process. However, the another recon key you mentioned would not be processed anymore since it has no more incoming entry from the user ( since it was billed incorrectly).

As such we go back to the initial scenario that the recon key is hanging. Would it have no effect on us? That's all we want to clarify if that created RK should be fine. As per audit procedures it may be checked.

Hoping for your clarification on this.

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Jose,

Just to be clear on the reconciliation key process, any reconciliation key that you are creating in IS-U needs to be closed and transferred to FI-GL.

So in the overnight batch process, you need to make sure that all the reconciliation keys are closed (FPG4) and transferred to FI-GL (FPG1).

Hope it helps..



0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

Actually i have the same isue with some payments lots they have status 3 ( DFKKZK table) so i can not close the reconciliation key in order to create new payment lots .

I appreciate any help from you.

Best regards,
