2012 Jan 28 7:01 AM
First I have query that is there a possibility that in DFKKOP - BETRW and DFKKOP - PSWBT can be different.
If yes, what could be the scenarios?
More importantly, I want to write query in SQVI to find such cases where DFKKOP- BETRW and DFKKOP - PSWBT are different.
Can I write below query or I have to developed separately as ABAP report?
2012 Jan 30 4:13 AM
Yes, that is certainly possible. We have many cases in our Prod system where PSWBT is zero and BETRW is not.
I'm not sure what the scenario is.
I don't believe you can write such a query in SQVI, as you can't join a table onto itself. But maybe there's another way?
2012 Jan 30 9:34 PM
It is possible to join a table to itself in SQ02, you use an alias for the 2nd instance of the table.
However, I havent yet found a method for comparing values between tables with such a query.
2012 Feb 06 11:32 AM