2008 Jun 23 6:50 AM
Could anyone please tell me what is the purpose of creating a service order when we an option of assiging person responsible in notification too.
Thanks and Regards
2008 Jun 23 10:31 AM
Hi everyone,
Please reply......
what is the purpose of creating a service order ?
with Regards
2008 Jun 23 1:04 PM
Service Notifications: If the customer had any service related problems i.e service connection, meter damages, or meter not working properly then he calls the customer care office of the utility company and tells about his problem.
customer care person takes it as notification and enters the informed data into sap.
this notification contains the data abt the problem and short description . And based on the work and regional setting, the technician is identified by the system.even we can make a rough plan how many technicians are needed to solve the problem.
the same data is copied to service order for to minimize the data entry.A service order, in which you plan dates, technicians and materials in detail, can be created from a service notification.
Narendar Konakanchi