2010 Sep 01 12:02 PM
Dear FICA friends,
Following is the requirement of our client below...
Rank order of the payment methods :
- is there any rank order on the business partner?
- is there any rank order on the posting area for the specific CO?
- Will always have default payment methods on the posting areas.?
If so, request you to please let me know the proceedure also.
Early response is highly appreciated on this.
2010 Sep 02 1:02 PM
Hi Kishore,
- is there any rank order on the business partner?
on the business partner are only deposit the bank details and/or card details
- is there any rank order on the posting area for the specific CO
I think you means the contract account or contract object, please read (if possible) the F1 help to the relevant fields, you has fields for outgoing and ingoing payment methods
Please read sap note 520128.
Best regards.