2014 Mar 17 2:45 AM
The new rate (Surcharge 2013) setup in Rate Determination effective (From 01-Apr-2014), I have to made effective date 01-Apr-2014 for auditing purpose, the price operand’s access setup (end of billing period)
Bill doc- billing period from 3/14/2014 to 4/2/2014 gas usage 20 CCF, Quantity pro-rated for two days and the rate applied to 3 CCF instead of 20 CCF. I need the rate to apply on the 20 CCF, how I can prevent pro-ration of quantity. Please show me what variant and operands and their controls I should use
Message was edited by: William Eastman
2014 Mar 18 1:19 PM
Hey Osman;
I would take a look in the configuration for Rate Structure - Define Operands. For each operand, SAP allows 7 different methods "Access control for operands". There is a pretty exhausting F1 help w/ examples. I looked for the operand QUANT of Operand Cat. QUANT.
This operand cat. is used in multiple rates - one of that should fit your requirements
Hope this helps, Tom
2014 Mar 24 6:26 PM
Hi Thomas,
In Operand Access use End Billing period in quantity operand.
Sai Vishnu.