2014 Feb 20 5:02 AM
Hello Gurus,
We have a requirement where we need to setup payment methods on P2P installments irrespective of Payment method setup on Contract Account or not. What this means is that, even if contract account has no incoming payment method setup, agent should be able to setup incoming payment method for P2P installments. God bless SAP, this is the standard functionality and SAP gives us option to setup payment method indicidually, so no issues.
Now, in a standard scenario, when a payment is returned (dishonoured), based on dishonour reason config at FICA > Business Transactions > Returns > Configure Return Reasons, we have an option to Delete incoming payment method and apply payment lock to avoid next DD payment to happen on next day itself. We have two options here:
Delete Incoming payment method
1. Delete incoming payment method from Contract Account (removes payment method from contract account)
2. Delete incoming payment method in item. (removes payment method from open item).
Incoming Payment Lock
1. Incoming payment lock on CA
2. Incoming payment lock on open Item
Nowhere i can see the config for Promise to Pay, So, if i have a P2P installments with incoming payment method set, I cannont see the config to delete incoming payment method from P2P installement or apply payment lock on P2P.
Can you suggest me either some config which I'm missing which allows me to remove incoming payment method from P2P installments and apply payment lock on dishonors or some enhancement which can help me to achieve this. Help will be really appreciated.
Ravi Ahuja
2014 Feb 20 2:30 PM
Event 296 could be used. Beyond that I think you would need to raise a development request.
2014 Feb 21 1:16 AM
Hi Ravi,
Just to add to Bill's reply, event 296 is called from clarification after a successful posting of a return. For returns that are not placed in clarification, this event is not processed.
So I think, apart from, event 296, you need to enhance event 299 as well.
Hope it helps...
2014 Feb 21 4:20 AM
Thanks Guys,
I'll try and update the post. Facing one more problem here and hope you can help. As said above, SAP gives us an option to apply payment method to P2P installments. But I could not find an option to apply payment lock on P2P installments. Is there anyway i can restrict payment run to deduct payment against a P2P installment. Thanks in advance.
2014 Feb 21 6:54 AM
Hi Ravi,
If you want to restrict a particular P2P installment, then the valuation run FP2P will pick this and since it has not been paid, will break the promise to pay installment.
So I don't think it would be very useful to restrict a payment run to deduct a payment against a P2P installment.
Hope it clarifies.
2014 Feb 21 7:22 AM
Hi Amlan,
Good point to pick up but once you apply payment method on P2P installments, valuation run won't cancel the P2P. So till the time, DD is not removed P2P won't be cancelled during valuation run.
But since payment is applied, it will try to pick up P2P installments on the very next run itself despite payment method being dishonored. It seems event 0121 can be used while Payment run to ignore the installment. I'm doing some PoC around it. Hope it works.
Any inputs from your side, do let me know.
2014 Feb 21 9:22 PM
Hi Ravi,
I would rather suggest making changes in the payment run events like 601\610 to deactivate or block the P2p items from being paid rather than using event121.
2014 Mar 04 4:11 AM
Thanks guys. Blueprinting still in progress. Will let you know the results.