2015 Oct 28 11:01 AM
I can see the SAP given Program to convert the bank file into multicash but that is limited to only few country's ? is there any program such for country India ?
ex : Program : RFEBFI00 for country Finland.
Thanks in Advance.
2015 Oct 28 3:16 PM
Hi Anilaa,
I don't think so, there is any country specific SAP Standard Program available for converting the bak statements to Multicash formats for India.
You have to use the standard program RFEBKA00 for the uploading the bank statements.
2015 Oct 29 9:15 AM
Hi Amlan,
Thanks for the reply. I believe the standard program RFEBKA00 will not help out to create / transfer the payment lot ?
correct me if I am wrong.
I need to convert the bank file to multi cash then post into system through FPB3.
2015 Oct 29 9:56 AM
For FPB3, you have to create a Z program only which will convert your Bank file format to SAP standard FPB3 file format.
To create a file format for FPB3, you can call program RFKKZEDG in a Z program. Program RFKKZEDG creates a file and put on application server.
2015 Oct 29 12:04 PM
Hi Anilaa,
Standard program,RFEBKA00, will only upload the Bank Statements into SAP FI-GL.
It will not post anything in FI-CA.
If your ultimate objective is to post a payment lot in FICA from a bank statement, then you have to build a wrapper program, which will retrieve the payment info from the Bank Statement and will re-format it as follows and place it in an intermediate file-
Once the intermediate file is ready, then pass the intermediate file and submit the program RFKKZE00.This will create and post the payment lot in SAP.
Hope it helps...
2015 Nov 09 9:42 AM
Thanks Viraj & Amlan. will try & get back to you if I stuck in between.