2015 Mar 11 9:07 AM
Business requirement is to map fixed profit center for combination of Main and Sub transactions at the time of invoicing.
As per my understanding, to derive fixed values for main and sub transactions, cokey needs to be mapped at EK02 which will in turn pick up values from table TECOD and TFKCOD as per case.
Values are also flowing correctly in FM ISU_CODATA_DETERMINE and FKK_CODATA_DETERMINE.
But actual results are not matching with expected values.
For Profit center derivation, reference SAP notes direct to event 0140 and 1102 both of which are not getting triggered while invoicing.
Moreover, I have also tried maintaining values in posting area 2610 but still no change.
So could you kindly provide your expert opinion as to how to achieve subject requirement.
2015 Mar 28 9:34 AM
Finally found solution through EK02.
Here is basic crux for derivation at the time of invoicing.
Profit center gets derived through Contract (through COKEY). If this value needs overriding then field NOCRCT (should be X) with proper values in COKEY at EK02 level.
Moreover, to ensure that it is working always go for full reversal (EA13) and then do rebilling and reinvoicing.
Hope it helps to others who may have to face such requirement from business.