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Product change date gap CRM-ISU

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello experts,

We have a problem here with the producto change functionality. I will try to explain the problem

As many of you already know, when you execute a product change from CRM, the old position date get expired and the new position start date begins the next day. The data is replicated to ISU and the EVERH is updated (old position date e.g expired 13.08.2009 ). After that, in ISU the information is sent to the distribution company to accept the modification. Once the information is back from the distribution company, the new position is created in the EVERH (e.g start date 23.08.2009) and replicated to CRM.

The problem is that the distribution company takes, for instace, 10 days to give the information back to ISU and therefore a gap date comes up between the end date of the old position (e.g 13.08.2009)and the date that the new position is activated (e.g 23.08.2009). Many errors occurs in ISU due to this gap date

We would like to avoid the date update in ISU when the data comes from CRM, to keep the old position date open in ISU until the activation is accepted. Somebody knows how could I manage not to send the old date to ISU in CRM?

Thanks all in advance. Hope not to be so boring.



Former Member
0 Kudos

How do you do this change in CRM? Do you do a move-out? When the distribution company confirms do you create a move-in?

Former Member
0 Kudos

How do you do this change in CRM? Do you do a move-out? When the distribution company confirms do you create a move-in?

Here I´m talking about a product change in CRM. The contract is the same for both positions, only the product is chaged. So there is no move-out for the contract. The flow is as follows:

CRM Product change - ISU EVERH table update (only old position with expired date) - Distribution company confirs modification - ISU EVERH table update (new position for the same contract) - CRM new position activation update

Hope this helps

Thanks in advance