2013 Sep 05 12:51 PM
Hi All,
As we know, SAP - ISU consists two transactions.
FPVA - Dunning Proposals
FPVB - Dunning Activity
I want to know once FPVA is run, how to exclude multiple items from being passed to FPVB. Will this be custom program or SAP has provided any functionality for this?
From help.sap.com, I could find below related information:
The dunning proposal run proposes a reconciliation key for the documents posted during dunning. You can change this proposal manually. The dunning activity run only uses this reconciliation key if the run ID agrees with that of the dunning proposal run.
So where proposal can be changed manually?
Once FPVA is completed, FPM3 shows dunning line items but it can not be decided that dunning activities are also performed. Is there any way to make sure in FPM3 that dunning activities are also carried out?
2013 Sep 05 1:17 PM
Hi Murtuza,
Firstly, to let you know, if open items are picked up in the proposal run and for some reason are not picked in the activity run, then those open items never get dunned, until and unless you reverse the proposal run in which they were picked up.
So the best practice is to remove them from the proposal run itself.
This can be done by choosing items in the Custom selections button or if you have some logic you can built that in event 300 as well.
You can also use the execution variant in FPVA to frame logic as well.
Now if you have a requirement where in based on the proposal run, you have to decide which items have to be dunned , then I would suggest you to run the proposal, then go to FPM3 for the proposal list, check the one which you want to proceed with and note them down.
Delete the proposal run and create a new one with only those items which have to be dunned.
Hope it helps..
2013 Sep 05 1:17 PM
Hi Murtuza,
Firstly, to let you know, if open items are picked up in the proposal run and for some reason are not picked in the activity run, then those open items never get dunned, until and unless you reverse the proposal run in which they were picked up.
So the best practice is to remove them from the proposal run itself.
This can be done by choosing items in the Custom selections button or if you have some logic you can built that in event 300 as well.
You can also use the execution variant in FPVA to frame logic as well.
Now if you have a requirement where in based on the proposal run, you have to decide which items have to be dunned , then I would suggest you to run the proposal, then go to FPM3 for the proposal list, check the one which you want to proceed with and note them down.
Delete the proposal run and create a new one with only those items which have to be dunned.
Hope it helps..
2013 Sep 06 8:46 AM
Thanks Amlan.
Last question on this, how to delete whole proposal at once?
2013 Sep 06 9:13 AM
Go to Transaction FPVA.
Give the date id and identification.
Then Go to Environment---->Delete Dunning Proposal.