2011 Oct 28 8:08 AM
Hi experts,
I am a fresher in ISU DM.
I have taken the a register group with predecimal places as 4 and decimal places 2 .
The problem is when the meter reading is more than 4 digits that is more than 9999,I am getting an error.
what can i do to overcome ths.
I know that we can use resetting register for this purpose.but I think it can not be used with
Cumulative consumption register.Please help me on this.
2011 Oct 28 9:54 AM
Please maintain proper entries in the Register Group.If your meter reading would have more than 4 digits (pre decimal) you should maintain the same exact digits in the register group also.
Resetting register is not required.
Hope this helps.
2011 Oct 28 10:18 AM
Hi Rakesh,
I can understand.But IF case if meter reading has more than 4 digits and
register has only 4 dogits.Please take this secnario and explain me .
Also in what case the resetting meters are used ?
Waiting for ur reply.
Thanks in advance,
2011 Oct 28 10:31 AM
Hi Sunder,
Can you please explain how your meter reading will be more than 4 predecimal digits when your Register group can store/display only upto 4 predecimal digits.
when we create devices in SAP we assign register groups(predecimal/post decimal) according to the number of pre/post decimal places it can read.So this problem should not occur ever. hope this clarifies.
Edited by: Rakesh Dasgupta on Oct 28, 2011 3:02 PM
2011 Oct 28 10:36 AM
Hi Rakesh,
Thank you for quick reply.
Let us take case where first we have preconfigured the register with four pre decimal places
and later we came to know that it is going to be more than four.then can you propose a solution for this.
2011 Oct 28 10:44 AM
You would have to modify the device (Transaction Code EG42)
Change the register group here.
2011 Oct 28 10:45 AM
You would have to modify the device (Transaction Code EG42)
Change the register configuration here or you can change the register group also.
Edited by: Rakesh Dasgupta on Oct 28, 2011 3:15 PM
2011 Oct 28 10:51 AM
Hi Rakesh,
Sorry for asking same question again.
Can you plase tell me a scenario where and how to use a resetting register.
2011 Oct 28 11:13 AM
Hello Rakesh,
Can we modify the device or change its register configuration in case the meter readings available after activity date for that device by EG42.
when I am trying to change I am getting error message :"Device ##: MR documents exist after activity date. Activity denied"
Please reply.
2011 Oct 28 4:26 PM
Hi Harshal,
Nope ,you can modify the device only if there are no MR after the activity date.
Also it won't work for future date.
Hope this helps.
2011 Oct 28 5:26 PM
Thanks for your reply.
same thing I had observed but what can be the solution in case of MR exist??
2011 Dec 04 2:07 PM
HI Harshal,
If meter reading comes more than the digits specified it's known as "Meter overflow". The solution is to assign a validation class. Once you assign any validation class it wont allow meter overflow. For eg: Suppose u have defined 4 predecimal place and the consumption is say 10000 , then instead of entering 10000 you have to enter 1. The system will bill for 10000 - Previous consumption ,for cumilative consumption . If you enter meter reading as 1 without assigning a validation class then it will throw an error same is if u use a resetting register with cumilating consumption .
2011 Oct 28 11:02 AM
Resetting register can be used for the reading which is to be reset after the Meter reading taken. for example, maximum demand & power factor of installation for particular billing period is recorded & is reset to zero after the meter reading taken by the reader.
Hope this may help.