2013 Feb 05 5:36 PM
Hello Experts,
We usually goto FPR3 and click on 'print letter' icon which goes to SPOOL.
But i want to print the Installment letter plan by executing a Z program. Is there a BAPI or an FM for me to call?
I DONT want to go to spool and take print.
How can i do this?
2013 Feb 05 10:35 PM
There is no bapi for printing an installment plan letter. You can use FPRD to generate the letters as long as the correspondence container has been created.
2013 Feb 06 2:42 PM
Yes. But still i need to goto spool and print the letter(s).
My requirment is to write a Z program & when i execute it should print the Installment letter plan .
I DONT want to goto spool.
Pls suggest.