2015 May 06 12:41 AM
At our location we have a single company code with multiple business areas. For example CoCode 1000 and business Area abc and def. I would like to make entries using the same bank account information for a combination of CoCode 1000 and BusiArea abc, & CoCode 1000 and BusiArea def.
I am unable to copy the original 1000 company code payment methods to create the second entry.
Any ideas?
Thank you
2015 May 07 3:40 AM
Have you tried creating a new House Bank, and using the same attributes for the new House Bank as you did for the original House Bank/Business Area combination?
2015 Aug 05 12:52 PM
This is not possible, since the posting area does not take the business area in the key of the table.
A solution might be to use a separate payment method, and link the business area to one payment method.
Payment method 1 can be linked to Business Area abc and payment method 2 linked to BA def.
2015 Aug 27 3:07 AM
I utilized available exits to check the validations and ensure the business areas are populated.
2015 Aug 31 6:48 AM
Yes indeed. You can populate the business area in an exit.
Happy to see that you have a solution.