2012 Jul 20 3:07 PM
Dear Experts,
While we are trying post payments against contract account, If contract account does not have any open items system should Populate message saying "No open Items found for this contract account if press continue to post on Account"
We found that this message is appearing while posting first to the respective contract account, But when post same for second time system not populating above mentioned Warning Message, But system Posting amount as post on Account without warning messeage.
Please find the attached for more details..
2012 Jul 23 5:38 AM
Hi Nikhita,
If you want to post advance payment ( Down Payment) via FPCJ , first you should create Downpayment Request .
Against downpayment Request , you recieve the payment via FPCJ.
If you post without DP request , system will post amount as on account instead Down Payment.
2012 Jul 25 5:16 PM
1. If this is after you have closed and withdrawn from the cash desk and are now posting to the same contract account then there is a system error. You need to open OSS message for this so that SAP can correct.
The warning message should appear on your second and subsequent postings advising that this is a 'post on account' situation if it happens after closing and withdrawing from the cash desk.
2. However, if this is happening once you have posted to the contract account and again post to the same contract account during the same session of having an open cash desk, then this is standard behaviour. System has already warned you on this contract account and you have agreed to continue with the posting or not. If you don't agree with this behaviour you should contact SAP via OSS to determine how to display the message on all subsequent postings to the account regardless of whether it is the same open session of the cash desk or not.
I hope you found this response correct/ helpful.