2016 Aug 15 11:22 PM
Is there a standard way (like using report RSADRLSM02 for the initial load of address data into SAP) to update the existing postal data ? We have a file from Canada post which has all the updated address data. We need to update our system (SAP) with this latest data .
Any help would be appreciated !
2016 Aug 16 8:39 AM
Hi Ankit,
You can use the report, RSADLRLSM02, for the initial upload of the address data.
So now, if there is an already existing, Regional structure data in SAP, the delta changes are not directly update in the SAP RS database tables. Instead they stored in the following tables-
ADRDIFINFO: Control table for Qtrly adj. difference table
ADRDIF_ST: Street table for Qtrly adjustments.
ADRDIF_CT: City table for Qtrly adjustments.
ADRDIF_PC: Postal code table for Qtrly adjustments.
You can check this table to find out what the change in the address data.
Now, you have to execute the quarterly adjustment update jobs in this sequence:
The above activity adjusts the addresses stored in the database according to the new RS data.
2016 Aug 15 11:43 PM
Migration Objects:
you can also create/change Installation, device location etc.
It's very fully featured & largely well documented.
2016 Aug 16 12:11 AM
Thanks for your response.
Would it overwrite the existing data in SAP or would it just update the changed ones ?
Is BODS an option too ?
Isnt there any note etc (easier way ) to do this ?
2016 Aug 16 12:34 AM
Looking back this appears to be a rephrasing of your regional structure question from a few months back.
A basic search in scn gives this wiki entry, & the prior note also remains relevant.
2016 Aug 16 8:39 AM
Hi Ankit,
You can use the report, RSADLRLSM02, for the initial upload of the address data.
So now, if there is an already existing, Regional structure data in SAP, the delta changes are not directly update in the SAP RS database tables. Instead they stored in the following tables-
ADRDIFINFO: Control table for Qtrly adj. difference table
ADRDIF_ST: Street table for Qtrly adjustments.
ADRDIF_CT: City table for Qtrly adjustments.
ADRDIF_PC: Postal code table for Qtrly adjustments.
You can check this table to find out what the change in the address data.
Now, you have to execute the quarterly adjustment update jobs in this sequence:
The above activity adjusts the addresses stored in the database according to the new RS data.
2016 Aug 16 5:24 PM
Thank you very much for your inputs.. I will try out and let you know !!
Much appreciated!