2010 Dec 24 7:19 AM
Dear all,
I am currently facing a problem with PoD functionality and particularly the Default value functionality of it.
The PoD structure customizing is as proposed by standard, using however the structure category Z1 (instead of 01), as copy-pasted below.
Structure category Z1
Subscreen 0300
Selection subscreen 0400
One-line sel. subscreen 0500
Function module ISU_EDM_UI_EXT_TYP_FLAT
Structure cat. not allowed
Default structure cat. X
Structure cat. text Flat structure
The problem I face is that either in Pod change mode or in installation, when the user press button Default value, the program generates another PoD id number. This problem means that in our (prospect) deregulated market, the companies do not have a common pod to exchange information. I guess that this 'automatic default value' functionality can be deactivated but could not find how.
Still, I have a documentation mentioning 'If you use the Metering Code structure category, you can generate a consecutive number for the point of delivery ID. To do this, choose the Default Value entry in the Consecutive Number field' but I cannot find the deactivation process mentioned as choose the Default Value entry in the Consecutive Number field.
Help will be appreciated,
Thanks in advance for your help and feedback,
Enjoy X-mas !
Edited by: boulis on Dec 24, 2010 8:20 AM
2010 Dec 31 2:19 AM
some thoughts from me; in POD config, there is aconfig node FIELD SETTINGS.
In an project a few years ago, we wrote our own program, because we wanted POD's created in a special number range or make the field available for inputs.
hope this helps to move on,
Thanks and Happy New Year, Tom
2010 Dec 31 2:19 AM
some thoughts from me; in POD config, there is aconfig node FIELD SETTINGS.
In an project a few years ago, we wrote our own program, because we wanted POD's created in a special number range or make the field available for inputs.
hope this helps to move on,
Thanks and Happy New Year, Tom
2011 Jan 03 11:19 AM
thank you, first of all for your feedback, and let me wish to the whole group Happy New Year.
From your answer I conclude that unfortunately there is no standard SAP functionality to be used, so that the PoD id is not changed when pressing the Default value button.
I have tried several variations under the FIELD SETTINGS configuration node and the linked program, function module and structures but I did not get the expected results.
In any case, thanks a lot for your input.
2011 Jan 03 8:55 PM
Sorry to hear that you have no luck so far. That makes me wonder, if there might be a SAP note out that could help.
e.g. I found one that describes exactly what you stated - 449552, but that note is from 2001, so this error should be resolved in your case. There are about 100 SAP notes, if you search for POD, so you might find a solution or you create a new note?
2011 Jan 04 8:58 AM
thanks for your feedback. I did have been through SAP notes - I guess you mean the 449522, which is relevant but not the one I need, and it is already available in our system, since we are on 6.0 -.
I will have again a look in SAP notes, since I might have missed the particular one note that fits ....
I do not know, and actually I was hoping to avoid writing our custom code since in that case we need to understand also the logic that it is implemented.
2011 Jan 17 1:01 PM
Hi all,
finally copying the SAP provided program and creating our own, we skipped the part of updated the PoD value.