2016 Sep 20 3:36 PM
We are using the BAPI BAPI_MTRREADDOC_UPLOAD for creating and loading meter readings. But the BAPI is showing a very low throughput when processing a bulk load. Also we are loading the meter readings for single site at a time to capture the or raise exception for which the bapi returned error. If we try to load multiple reads in a single go and any of the read fails to load we won't be able to find for which site/equipment number the issue has come as the bapi return messages are inconsistent.
Can you please suggest any other function module which can give us a good throughput?
i got some suggestions to use ISU_M_METERREAD FM, but not sure whether it will improve the performance or not.
2016 Sep 20 4:40 PM
What is the usage scenario? Is this a migration? Or is this BAU? Why are you not using ELMU and idoc processing? Also, of course, your system resources will be the major determinant.