2007 Jan 18 5:25 AM
I am new to FI-CA.
I've a flat file containing info like CA, pay_amount, date of pay, mode of pay etc. I wanted to upload all this info to my ISU server. how shall i go for it ? whats the t-code ? any docs ?
2007 Jan 18 8:05 AM
Hello Sudeep,
the payment lot transfer (RFKKZE00) uploads a file into a payment lot. The documentation on this program is pretty good and should give you all the information you need.
2007 Jan 18 6:12 AM
Hi Sudeep,
You can LSMW to upload the data.If you need How to use LSMW doc, give ur email. I will send it to you.
Thanks & Regards,
Jyotishankar Dutta
2007 Jan 18 6:18 AM
Thanx for the prompt reply. I guess LSMW is used for migration purpose, right ? But here I am talking about normal payment lot which is collected thru a collection agency.
2007 Jan 18 8:05 AM
Hello Sudeep,
the payment lot transfer (RFKKZE00) uploads a file into a payment lot. The documentation on this program is pretty good and should give you all the information you need.
2007 Jan 18 11:58 AM
Thanx Tim,
That was the bull's eye. I found the transaction also. Its FPB3.
Thanx once again.
2007 Sep 03 4:05 PM
I need to spec a small dev for integrating payments from a legacy system.
Do you have details of file structure for FPB3?
Thanks a million in advance.
2007 Nov 16 8:49 PM
We are trying to integrate a web payment system using a 'lock box' type of upload of payments.
Can you tell me where I can get the file structure for the upload file? Also, I would like to get an example of the required steps are in completely processing an upload from the time it resides on our local system to posting to the customer's account.
Would appreciate it.
Joy Thompson