2012 Aug 07 5:29 AM
2012 Aug 07 5:32 AM
Hello Ankit,
Go to SPRO--> and configure the payment terms as per your requirement.
2012 Aug 07 5:32 AM
Hello Ankit,
Go to SPRO--> and configure the payment terms as per your requirement.
2012 Aug 07 5:41 AM
2012 Aug 07 7:04 AM
Hi Ankit,
Payment terms are not defined at company code level and hence you will not have a direct assignment for the same in SAP Standard.
However, if your requirement is to have sepearte payment terms for separate company codes, then it can be achieved by customization.
First put in the payment terms vis a vis Company code matrix in a custom table.
So, during the contract account save event DSAVC, plug in a custom FM which would check the payment terms and the company code in the CA master with that maintained in the custom table.
If the matrix matches the CA master data, it will allow to save the CA, other wise will throw an error.
Hope it helps..
2012 Aug 07 10:06 AM
Hi Amlan,
actually in my company around 35 lacks consumer database and payment terms are already updated i can not update payment terms for contract account but my requirement is i have to achieve different Due date of invoice for different company code without changing in contract account's payment terms how can i achieve this?
2012 Aug 07 10:23 AM
Hi Ankit,
If your only rqmt is to achieve different Due date of invoice for different company code without changing in contract account's payment terms, you can use event 1330 for the purpose.
This event gives you the option of determining the document due date as well as the cash discount due date (if required) with its cash discount percentage specification from the payment conditions when posting a document.
So in this event you will get the payment terms and the company code and then as per the business requirement, you can determine the due date.
However, I would like to discuss the scenario say, if two customers having the same payment terms but belong to two different company codes will have two different due dates..will it not create any inconsisitencies?
2012 Aug 08 7:11 AM
Hi amlan,
No inconsisitencies.......because two compnay has their own working style in one compnay saturday is holiday but in other saturday is working.
2012 Aug 08 7:15 AM
ok... then go for event 1330...it will cater to your requirment.
2012 Aug 08 12:23 PM
Hi Alman,
i used the EVENT R417 for this......it is working fine.......what is the difference between R417 and 1330?
2012 Aug 09 7:21 AM
Hi Ankit,
Event R417 can only change the due date of an invoice, where as event 1330 can be used for changing the due date of any FICA document.
Moreover, Event R417 internally calls event 1330, so ultimately if you make the changes in event 1330, it will chnage the due date of all types of FICA documents.
2012 Aug 09 7:55 AM
ok thanks amlan for the solution.............i want to know one thing in any paricular T code which events are being called can i get the list of events?
2012 Aug 09 8:02 AM
You need to place a debugger in the FM "FKK_FUNC_MODULE_DETERMINE".
This FM is called whenever you are performing any transaction in SAP IS-U and also determines what events have to be called for that particular transaction.
So, by placing a debugger you will get to know the events which gets triggerred for a particular T.code.
Hope it helps
2012 Aug 09 9:49 AM