2016 Jun 23 5:11 PM
Hi Experts,
How the open documents are selecting for Payment Scheme reassessment? It looks like in our system is considering all the open documents with due date within 458 days (~16 months). But I am not able to find where/ how system is picking /configured this. Could you please help?
Thanks & Regards,
2016 Jun 23 5:50 PM
Hi Dipin,
Check Event R513. This event gets triggerred during the Payment scheme re-assesment.
2016 Jun 23 7:48 PM
Hi Amlan,
Thank you!
I have already debugged event R513, but the open items are picking before calling R513. A flag is setting for all the open items before the given due date and later those items are deleting from the internal table. In my SAP system it is around 16 months, I got it in trial and error method, but not able find where it is configured!
2016 Jun 23 9:28 PM
2016 Jun 27 7:56 AM
Hi Amlan,
I cant find Payment Scheme reassessment logic inside R415 and R528
2016 Jun 28 8:26 PM
Hi Dipin,
Did you check the config in >> Item Selection in Invoicing?
Interval days are maintained there against clearing category, main/sub and open item selection option for each clearing type e.g. R41 Periodic billing
2016 Jun 28 11:03 PM
Hi Dipin,
Can you check if there is any custom implementation of the BADI,ISU_BI_BBP_EXT_PER, under the method CHANGE_PERIOD in your SAP System.
Hope it helps.