2013 Jun 12 12:10 AM
Hi Friends,
I am trying to create a payment scheme but getting the following error.
''Internal error: Unexpected exception 1 in calling up function module FKK_TAX_LINES_CREATE''
Function module FKK_TAX_LINES_CREATE was terminated with an exception (&V2) which the developer of the called program did not expect ( &V4) or which is not permitted here.
The program is in an unexpected state and will therefore be terminated
This is a standard FM. As I have analyzed the exception is not being handled in this module. I am not sure of how to proceed.
Can somebody please help me?
Thank you.
2013 Jun 12 3:56 AM
Hi Swati,
The error message (E9,887) that you are getting is because you don't have access to the authorization object E_B_BIL_PL (Authorization Object for Budget Billing Plan)
The error is getting triggered from standard FM ISU_AUTHORITY_CHECK.
Ask your BASIS person to plug in the authorization object E_B_BIL_PL against your role profile and then you try to create payment scheme.
Hope it helps...
2013 Jun 12 3:56 AM
Hi Swati,
The error message (E9,887) that you are getting is because you don't have access to the authorization object E_B_BIL_PL (Authorization Object for Budget Billing Plan)
The error is getting triggered from standard FM ISU_AUTHORITY_CHECK.
Ask your BASIS person to plug in the authorization object E_B_BIL_PL against your role profile and then you try to create payment scheme.
Hope it helps...
2013 Jun 12 8:44 AM