2016 May 26 12:19 PM
I am trying to execute FPY1 in order to generate cheque. In the application log I can see the document is picked and cleared. But when I run payment medium, it is giving the error below. The form is copy of the standard application form FI_CA_DME_CHECK_SAMPLE (Script: FI_CA_DME_CHECK).
F0251 In form ZXXX / window MAIN , the element 540 Scheck is missing
My question is will this error be the reason for not generating cheque(FPCHR)?
I have configured all necessary to my knowledge and followed the below link as well.
2016 May 26 2:28 PM
Your error message indicates that there is a problem with the form - which means nothing can be printed. You could go to EFRM, check the form and correct the errors.
2016 May 26 5:42 PM
HI William,
Thanks for your reply. I understand there is a problem with the Form. But my question is does this error stops in generating the cheque in FPCHR?
My understanding is this as the form has error it cant be printed. But cheque number should be generated otherwise. Is it correct?
Also the form is copy of the standard application form FI_CA_DME_CHECK_SAMPLE. So does that mean standard has issue?
2016 May 27 2:37 PM
Now the payment medium is getting generated though values are empty. But still cheque number is not getting created and couldn't find anything in FPCHR t-code