2011 Aug 05 6:41 PM
Hello Experts,
Our client has requirement for payment reconciliation i.e. validating payment posted using payment lot (bank payment lot file contains specific individual customer transactions) and actual cash received in the bank account/s. (contained in the BAI file, but it doesnu2019t contain specific customer transactions).
We have suggested below solution -
Payment vendor (Example. Bank or Credit Card process) payment file will be processed using standard SAP Payment Lot processing. This will debit specific BANK Clearing Accounts example. You receive payment lot file from the XYZ Bank, then it will debit XYZ Bank clearing account. Now, next day they receive BAI file from the bank containing actual cash, they will use it to credit XYZ Bank clearing account and then to debit Master Bank Account GL.
So this way, they will be able to find the difference if the cash posted in BAI is different than the cash posted through bank payment lot file.
I would like to know what the best approach to solve this problem. Please let me know if you need more information. Thanks.
Kind Regards,
2011 Aug 08 3:04 PM
On some projects I have been on, we have requested that the banks following the same naming convention for the Payment Lot file as well as the associated cash file. The Naming convention would include the source bank and date, and a sequence number (in case there are multiple files frm the bank).
A custom program can read the the Cash file and then the associated Payment Lot files. The custom Reconcilation report will show (for a given bank and processing date):
The difference amounts between the Payment Lot/s and the Cash File/s
If there were clarified payments in the payment lots, the should also be summarised to aid with Reconciliation process
I hope this helps.
Ivor Martin
2011 Aug 08 3:37 PM
Thank Ivon. It helps alot.
But is there any way to avoid this customization? Is it a good practice to use bank clearing account reconciliation approach I mentioned above?
Thanks once again for your help.
Kind Regards,
2011 Aug 11 5:01 PM
Hi Nikhil,
This depends on whether you have a central bank that consolidates payments from other banks before sending the detailed payment files as well as the bulk/Summary bank statement files.
If you have a central bank, then on some projects the Utility has asked the central bank to provide a report of the Bank deposits (Statements) broken down by date and by bank.
Then you can do a visual Reconcilation based on the Bank Clearing account and posting date. Normally the Recon Key will have a unique bank ID embedded in it, and of course the posting date.
Hence you could do a simple report by date, to list postings against the clearing account (or Recon key) and compare against the Bank Statements report.