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Parameter record - Months inv -1st BB

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All,

While creating a parameter record, we have a field called 'Months inv -1st BB'.

What does the value in this field say. I tried F1 help, it goes, "Number of months between invoicing and first BB amount". Can someone please explain this to me.




Former Member
0 Kudos


First you need to know what is BB or Budget Billing Plan in SAP IS-U. For that refer the below link:

Now this particular setting defines after how many months the BB amount will be due after the last billing period.

For e.g. customer X has a BB plan and if you define 2 months in this settting and last billing period is 15.02.2011(invoice date) then this BB amount will be due after this many months.

Also check the below documentation from SAP

Define Parameter Records for Portions

The parameter record controls the scheduling of a budget billing. In a parameter record you define how many budget billings are to occur between two periodic billings (the budget billing cycle). You must define all the budget billing cycles you wish to use in the portion here. For each budget billing cycle, specify the number of months between invoicing and the first budget billing, and specify the date of the printout or debit entry run of the budget billing.

This date signifies (1) the day the budget billing request is printed and (2) the day debit entry occurs when the budget billing request is transferred to financial accounting. This print/debit entry date is used as the baseline date for the terms of payment, in order to determine the budget billing due date in the budget billing plan. You maintain the terms of payment in the contract account.

Therefore, only the print/debit entry date can be specified in scheduling. It is not possible to specify the due date of the budget billing.


Budget billing cycle: 1 2

Months between invoicing and first BB: 1 2

Day of printing/debit entry run: 15. 21.

Two budget billing cycles have been defined: (a) has monthly budget billings and (b) has bimonthly budget billings.

The planned print/debit entry dates are defined as 15th (a) and 21st (b) of the relevant month:

a) 15.03, 15.04, 15.05, ...

b) 21.03, 21.05, 21.07, ...


Define the parameter records relevant for your company.

Further notes

Normally, only one general parameter record is required, in which all the company's possible budget billing cycles are defined



Edited by: born2bdahero on Aug 24, 2011 7:58 AM

View solution in original post


Former Member
0 Kudos


First you need to know what is BB or Budget Billing Plan in SAP IS-U. For that refer the below link:

Now this particular setting defines after how many months the BB amount will be due after the last billing period.

For e.g. customer X has a BB plan and if you define 2 months in this settting and last billing period is 15.02.2011(invoice date) then this BB amount will be due after this many months.

Also check the below documentation from SAP

Define Parameter Records for Portions

The parameter record controls the scheduling of a budget billing. In a parameter record you define how many budget billings are to occur between two periodic billings (the budget billing cycle). You must define all the budget billing cycles you wish to use in the portion here. For each budget billing cycle, specify the number of months between invoicing and the first budget billing, and specify the date of the printout or debit entry run of the budget billing.

This date signifies (1) the day the budget billing request is printed and (2) the day debit entry occurs when the budget billing request is transferred to financial accounting. This print/debit entry date is used as the baseline date for the terms of payment, in order to determine the budget billing due date in the budget billing plan. You maintain the terms of payment in the contract account.

Therefore, only the print/debit entry date can be specified in scheduling. It is not possible to specify the due date of the budget billing.


Budget billing cycle: 1 2

Months between invoicing and first BB: 1 2

Day of printing/debit entry run: 15. 21.

Two budget billing cycles have been defined: (a) has monthly budget billings and (b) has bimonthly budget billings.

The planned print/debit entry dates are defined as 15th (a) and 21st (b) of the relevant month:

a) 15.03, 15.04, 15.05, ...

b) 21.03, 21.05, 21.07, ...


Define the parameter records relevant for your company.

Further notes

Normally, only one general parameter record is required, in which all the company's possible budget billing cycles are defined



Edited by: born2bdahero on Aug 24, 2011 7:58 AM

0 Kudos

Thank you S...

Going through the link now. But your answer really helped.