2017 Feb 14 5:35 PM
What is the term "Parallel Processing" in Meter Reading in SAP ISU?
Usually, we use t.code EL06 or ELEU. What is the difference between EL09 and EL06?
2017 Feb 17 3:26 PM
Hi Siva,
Say you want to create meter reading on 10,000 customers,
Instead of running the jobs in a single thread meaning all the customers in 1 bucket say it might take 1 hr.
Instead you create 10 threads each bucket consist of 1000 customers then you can complete the job in 10 minutes, this is what you achieve by parallel runs.
2017 Feb 22 10:25 AM
EL06 - only a single job to create meter reading order in one time
EL09 - can create several jobs in one time to create meter reading order