2012 Mar 08 9:29 AM
I need to find accounts with outgoing payments posted. The document type for outgoing payment is RF and the document number can be found in DFKKKO, but how to identify the Contract Accounts? What will be the header table for the documents..?
2012 Mar 08 1:31 PM
If you already know the document number from DFKKKO, then proceed as follows:
Fetch the cleared credit document from table DFKKOP where AUGBL = (the Outgoing Payment document number from DFKKKO).
For double insurance, also supply Clearing Reason = 02 (Outgoing Payment) as a parameter when retrieving from DFKKOP.
Afer you fetch the row/s from DFKKOP, the related value in DFKKOP for field VKONT will be the Contract Account that was associated with the outgoing payment.
I hope this helps.
Ivor M.
2012 Mar 08 1:53 PM
Thanks for the reply, but if we don't have the OPBEL for Outgoing Payment documents, then how to identify the accounts with Outgoing Payment Posted? Can it be identified through a single table? Actually my requirement is to fetch the accounts through a single table query.
2012 Mar 08 2:20 PM
I thought in your initial post you stated that you already have the Document Number in DFKKKO that relates to Document Type RF.
If so, then that is the OPBEL you will use to look up DFKKOP, i.e. where DFKKOP-AUGBL = DFKKKO-OPBEL, and AUGRD = 02.
I don`t understand why you have a restriction on a single table look-up.
But, if thats a definite constraint, then you can retrieve directly from DFKKOP where Clearing Reason = 02 (Outgoing Payment). The related VKONT numbers will be the Accounts that have Outgoing payments associated with them.
However, you will lose the double insurance that the document type is (or not) "RF".
Ivor M.