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Options for FPY1

Former Member
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Presently we have two payment run for FPY1 i.e. payment method X to get document posted based on due date and another payment method y where customer has the option to pay before due date,   On top of that we have multiple currency/country for which we need to create different files . All this results into creation of 4 files,  2 file per payment method for 2 banks.

our requirement is to create only one file for two payment method so we bring down number of files from 4 to 2

I have considered below option, p

a) Do not run payment medium along with FPY1, but create custom program so that it can combine data for two payment method and populate in one single file.

is there way to have single payment run for two payment method x & y? 

Also Please let me know if there is any other solution for this or standard SAP approach to meet the requirement?


Active Contributor
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Hi Vinod,

How are you managing the FPY1 process for payment method Y.

Is it controlled through-

(a) Setting the due date field in future in FPY1 keeping the BP\CA list constant only? Or,

(b) There is a specific flag set for these type of customers at master data level along with option(a), so that only for those customers the advance payment is posted. Or,

(c) There is different set of BP\CA list which is being used along with Option (a).

If you are using Option(a) or Option (b), then can you merge the FPY1 runs for payment method X and Payment method Y with the due date in future.

I don't see any issue if you are running the FPY1 for both the payment methods together.

However, if you are using Option (c), then you have to have two separate payment runs,and then in that scenario, you have to develop a custom program which internally will call standard program SAPFKPY3 to create the file and merge them accordingly.

Hope it helps..



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Hi Amlan,

Thanks for extending your help.

We are using option a)

however if I combine both payment method in one FPY1 run then I have chances to pick up document for payment method x which should not be picked up, how do I resolve that issue?  For example if I  set due date as 31.12.9999 in FPY1 this will not work for payment method X where I do not wish to take payment before due date, it will work for payment method Y where there is no check on due date

further how do I split up payment between two banks where customer bank origin determines payment goes to which bank

0 Kudos

Hi Vinod,

You can do an enhancement is event 655 for rejecting those payments for payment method X which have a due date in future. I guess this will solve your issue.

So when the FPY1 run is executed, the due date is set as 31.12.9999, so it is not having any problem for payment method Y. For Payment method X, it will pick up all the items which are due/not due.

Now in event 655, you can exclude the items for payment method X which are not due by rejecting them by comparing the due date with the System Date or the posting date used in FPY1 run.

I am not able to get your second query. can you please elaborate.



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Hi Amlan,

My sincere apology for delay in response.

Thanks for your inputs, I will explore using 655 to check for due date.

My second query was , I want to create two bank files, where Bank account domiciled in one country will go to one bank and second file will have payments where bank account of customer domiciled to different country, I think I can use event 699 to create multiple bank files per my requirements.

0 Kudos

Hi Vinod,

There is a standard way to split the payment medium file based on any one of the following categories-

(a) Company code

(b) House Bank

(c) House Bank Account

(d) Debit/Credit memo

(e) Payment method

You can find this config in Transaction FQP3 under the Payment medium format.

Check the following screenshot and see if you can segergate the foreign payments based on either of the below parameters.

Hope it helps....



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Thanks Amlan,

I will check this in detail and implement,