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operand value is not populating at the time of is-u billing

0 Kudos

Hi ,

we have a problem in isu billing ,

we have provided the operand value in installation facts as I_OUT_DAYS = 16 ( from 11.09.2016 to 24.09.2016 ), this operand basically calculate the no of days which will be exempted from 30 days ( obligatory consumption based upon another operand ( I_DCQ   which is daily contacted quantity ) but upon final billing system is only calculating 6 days from operand I_OUT_DAYS.


I_DCQ = 1 unit/day

so from 01.09.2016 to 30.09.2016 ( obligatory requirement was 1*30 days = 30 units)

when we put this operand

I_OUT_DAYS = 16 days

the obligatory requirement changes to ( 1* 14 days = 14 units)

but system is somehow calculating only 6 days from operand I_OUT_DAYS in final isu billing

does any one know how to tackle this / how can i found the changed history of this operand

thanks in advance


Sachin Singh


Former Member
0 Kudos

Sachin - for change history of an installation operand you can go to title bar under which it has an option for installation changes.

There can you get details of each operand for which the change has been made.

0 Kudos

Dear Saurabh

thanks for the reply , i have checked that,

i want to know what the value of this operand at the time of  billing ,

can i see that in system.


sachin singh

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Sachin,

Whats the billing period and is the involved rate applicable for whole period ?



0 Kudos

Hi pranav,

billing period is from 16.09.2016 to 30.09.2016

but operand value I_OUT_DAYS & I_DCQ utlize in two fortnight bills i.e ( 01.09.2016 to 15.09.2016 & 16.09.2016 to 30.09.2016)

rate is applicable for whole september month.


Sachin Singh

0 Kudos

Pranav - Did you try by table data for these two operands from ETTIFN table ?